Decorative Painting Services in Singapore

Discover How We Turn Your Home Into A Masterpiece

In the past, repainting the home was the simple way to give a new look. Now, decoration is important to improve the look and feel of your home by adding texture and color. There are different types of decorating styles for a variety purposes. Each style comes with its own taste, meaning, connotation, or cultural base. The most important consideration is what type of feeling you wish to bring into your home.

At Meptech, we offer a decorative painting service in Singapore and let us help you transform your home into a masterpiece. The purpose is to beautify the appearance of your home and enhance the strength and durability of the coating, protecting it from wear and tear, scratch, impacts, etc.

We tailor a painting solution to your specific needs and we can supply an artistic experienced team to deliver excellent painting and maintenance outcomes in a timely and cost-effective manner. All of which are planned and delivered based on Singapore Safety Standards, so you can rest assured and have one less thing to worry about.


decorative painting company
decorative painting Singapore

Where to Apply Decorative Painting

Our Decorative painting company allows a wide range of styles, designs and textures to be covered. It is therefore improbable to repeat the same finishes, as there will always be a nuance that will make the difference between one surface and another. The technique chosen, the colour of the paint and the way the product is applied – each has its own particular procedure – are factors that will distinguish the final finishes.

Although walls are usually the preferred area to use this technique, the benefits of using this paint extend to ceilings, floors and furniture. In all of them, the use of this product is not limited to giving colour to the surface, but gives it personality and style through the texture created.

A decoration technique, with a special incidence in interiors, which has become a protagonist in the renovation of rooms, living rooms, kitchens, bathrooms and large commercial premises. It has gone from being a paint for purely professional use to gaining popularity among individuals who wish to give their homes a second life.


Advantages of Decorative Wall Painting

Each decorative painting walls has its own specific benefits. Some can be used on exteriors as interiors, others are capable of creating metallic or rust finishes, some have waterproof properties, etc. For this reason, it is necessary to evaluate beforehand what the needs of each coating are. Obviously, a bathroom wall, exposed day after day to humidity, is not the same as a bedroom wall. For now, in a generic way, we will detail the main advantages that these types of paint share.


Wide variety of Effects and Colours

Paint allows you to create a multitude of combinations by being able to play with colours, effects and textures. From more conventional proposals to more daring proposals to highlight a specific element in the room and draw attention to it. Contrasts that are becoming increasingly fashionable.

Versatility of Application

In the same way that the creations are practically infinite, it can be applied to numerous surfaces and rooms. Walls, floors, ceilings, furniture, etc. Indoors and outdoors. Quick and easy to apply Unlike other coatings that require the removal of existing coatings, decorative paint is applied on top, completely hiding what is underneath.

Protect New Coating and Durable

Many paints do not only have a decorative function, but also help to reinforce the wall or floor. They protect the new coating from wear and tear, scratches, impacts, etc. There is also a possibility of waterproof and non-slip finishes that some paints offer. They can be very durable and do not require the surface to be recoated.

Transforming Homes Into Masterpieces

We pride ourselves in providing tailor-made solutions for our Clients

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